jeudi 1 juillet 2010

Ryan Gainey

Follement passionné, exubérant, créatif, romantique, fantasque ... autant de mots qui ne suffisent pas à décrire la force de la nature qu'est Ryan Gainey : Jardinier, poète, conteur, philosophe, designer et homme de spectacle, il est tout cela à la fois. Il possède un étonnant jardin à Decatur, en Géorgie où il met en scène toutes sortes de sculptures et d'objets d'art. Un personnage haut en couleur qui n'est pas sans me rappeler Tony Duquette.
Internationally-known, madly passionate, stimulating, thought-provoking, exuberant, creative, romantic, whimsical, embracing …. mere words are inadequate to describe the force of nature that is Ryan Gainey. He is gardener, poet, raconteur, philosopher, mentor, verbite, visionary, designer, and showman all in one. (...) The quintessential laboratory and showcase for this man’s creative genius is his own turn-of-the-century farmhouse in Decatur, Georgia. The property at 129 Emerson Avenue is in a constant state of rejuvenation. Now only does he develop his horticultural gift on this land, but his garden, home, and auxiliary structures provide an opportunity to display the work of many Southern artists.For me, he's a kind of Tony Duquette.
Many of the pictures are made by UGArdener

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