mercredi 18 mai 2011

The Pina Colada Garden

The Pina Colada Garden, c'est le jardin de Michelle Derviss. Les photos ont été prises durant  le 5ième Marin Eco Garden Tour, sorte de "journées portes ouvertes" des jardins écologiques du county de Marin.
On May 14, 2011 the 5th annual Marin Eco Garden Tour took place.
Michelle derviss ' garden, 'The Pina Colada Garden' was a participant this year.
Garden Porn

5 commentaires:

  1. omg - mr. j. de juan a peint le pont a deux minutes de chez moi! parfois j'ai l'impression que tu sois plutot ma voisine californienne que ma cousine "en paradis"!

  2. great post! love that garden! i just added garden porn blog to my favorites!!

  3. That is the best little dog I've ever seen. Garden's nice, too.

  4. Michelle has such a truly unique garden style (and a wicked sense of humor).
    It's been great watching her personal garden evolve over the past few years, and her ceramic adventures.

  5. Yes, i agree!!!!! Michelle is a model of creativity for me ! Her work (garden design, ceramic) is an enchantment and she has a great sense of humor... would like to communicate easily with her if only i could understand all your words...
