mardi 30 octobre 2012

Thread and Bones

Thread and Bones est le fruit d'une collaboration entre la belle JM Mericle et le photographe Mitch Maher, que vous connaissez déjà. C'est un blog dit "de mode" mais pas que puisque férus de jardins tous les deux, on aperçoit dans leurs reportages Shirley Watts ou les créateurs du Foly Bowl Garden, dont je vous parlais quelques posts plus bas... Bref, toujours la même tribu ! Photos @MB Maher et JM Mericle. The best.
Thread and Bones is born from a collaboration between JM Mericle and the (fantastic) photographer Mitch Maher. It doesn't speak only about fashion. They both belong to the same "tribe" as she says. Their pics are full of gardeners and gardens. Lovely. Photos @MB Maher and JM Mericle. The best.

2 commentaires:

  1. Dear Delphine -- thank you so much for featuring MB Maher and myself, it is such a pleasure to discover your beautiful blog. I love viewing the selection of gardens, plantlife, and other sites that you've chosen. MB and I will be traveling through Europe soon, and we may have to ask you for your recommendations =)



  2. merci Jessica !
    You are welcome in france if you want !
