Depuis 3 ans, ma mère habite à 50 mètres de chez moi, une toute petite maison de ville, avec courette, jardinet et mini atelier. C'est assez petit, mais très joli. Il y a les meubles de famille, les tableaux peints par mon père et toute sa production de céramique. Elle fait toujours de la poterie, avec autant de talent, malgré ses 77 ans et sa vue quasi nulle.
Since few years, my mother is my neighbourg. She has bought a tiny town house with small courtyard garden and mini workshop. It's quite small but very pretty. There are the family furniture, paintings painted by my father and all my mother's production of ceramics. She continues to make pottery, with such talent, despite his 77 years and her cecity.
4 commentaires:
So full of lively spirit and heartful soul.
I of course was drawn to the ceramic studio photos as well as the beautiful paintings.
Did you grow up in this house ?
No, i didn't ! She lives here since only 3 years. She has bought this house, because it is near our home, n th same street. I grow in a very big house, the same style, but much bigger !
Her house is beautiful–it looks quintessentially French! Is i a good thing or bad thing to have your mother living so close?
Your father was an inspired painter–are any of his paintings hanging in your house?
Hello Jim !
I think it's a good think to live so close to her because i can see her often.
I haven't any paintings of my father at home because my house is not finished.It's an old ruin and we have to repair it totally. We make all by ourselve. Decoration will be the final touch !
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