Les guides imprimés en font à peine mention et pourtant, il est beau, le jardin botanique de Bali. Une serre à orchidées, une forêt de fougères (le collection est àcouper le souffle et rien que cette partie prend plus d'une heure à visiter), un jardin dédié aux plantes de cérémonie, une serre aux cactées et surtout une incroyable collection de bégonias...
More than 2000 species of plants are preserved at Bali Botanic Garden, represent plants from montane areas of the eastern Indonesia: Bali, Nusa Tenggara, Sulawesi, Maluku and Papua. New plants are acquired from commercial nurseries, arboreta, botanic gardens, plant breeding programs and collecting expeditions. Because of its unique site incorporating landscape gardens, native habitat areas, the Garden is able to curate terrestrial and aquatic plants found in similar habitats.. In addition to the general collections, specialized collections offer depth and breadth within 8 selected themes or families. These specialized collections include: Ferns, Orchids, Cactus, Begonia, Medicinal plants, Ceremonial plants, Roses and Aquatic plants. Specialty collections are important nationally because of their scope. http://www.kebunrayabali.com/collection.htm Bali Botanic Garden - Candikuning, Baturiti, Tabanan, Bali
2 commentaires:
Contente de retrouver ton blog! j'espère que tu as passé de supers vacances à Bali!
Bali is the best place to have your vacation and bonding with your friends and relatives especially if you visit the place and feel the good bali accommodation there.
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