"Le projet de restauration imaginaire de la nature entrepris par le photographe finlandais Ilkka Halso a commencé en 2000, avec la construction d’échafaudages cernant une parcelle de blé, un rocher ou un arbre, puis photographiés. Ces pseudo-restaurations d’éléments naturels évoquent autant une intervention chirurgicale qu’elles rendent compte du dialogue instauré par l’artiste avec la nature. Halso décline ainsi à travers chaque prise de vue les relations possibles de l’homme à son environnement dont il interroge la fragilité et la complexité..." la suite de cet article de Marguerite Pilven sur ParisArt ICI
" In his new photographs, Halso has placed yet another curtain or obstacle in front of the expression of the direct and authentic in the image. The images, constructed and combined with the aid of a computer are a construction that is increasingly non-concrete. Halso had previously combined parts of insects on a table to be photographed, and he later made large constructions in the forest for the sole purpose of photographing them. But now, in his Nature Museum series everything is constructed only in the image, in the unseen recesses of digital files. They are suggestions, like building plans, but their author, Ilkka Halso, does not want to see them realized..." Read more from this article by Pessi Rautio on anhava.com (biography, work, etc...)
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